Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Color-in Dragon Card

For Easter last year, my nephew sent us a lovely card that he had painted:

So cute, right?
I hadn't sent him an Easter card (such a bad auntie!), so I wanted to make him a special card in response.  Here's what I came up with:

Thank you Easter card: front.
Micron pen and colored pencil. 2015.

Thank you Easter card: inside.  8"x11" Micron pen. 2015

Thank you Easter Card: back

I though my nephew would enjoy getting to color in the dragon.  Instead, he asked my sister (his mom) many, many questions about the card.  Why was the bunny sitting on the egg?  Why did Aunt Laura and Uncle Chris decide to hatch the egg?  How did the dragon get inside?  How did the dragon get out?  My sister said that after asking all his questions and thinking about it a while, he turned to her with tears in his eyes and asked how he could get another egg like that one.
"I think he was distraught to learn he had mailed off something of such value without realizing its potential," my sister said.

Oh no!

Apparently he was only upset for a little bit, but I still felt bad!  So to make up for it, I decided to send him an egg of his very own.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Costume: if the Natty Boh Guy and the Utz Girl had a baby

For Halloween 2012, my husband (then just boyfriend) and I dressed up as the Natty Boh Guy and Utz Girl as a couples costume.  We had a baby this past October and for Halloween decided to dress him up as: "if the Natty Boh Guy and the Utz Girl had a baby"!    

The elements of this costume that I made include the bow tie and the binky.  For this costume, we needed a way to put elements of our created character onto the baby without using glue or tape or tying anything to his face!  The binky was my husband's creative, good idea!

The adorable Maryland flag blue crab onesie was a gift purchased for us by a friend, but was the perfect onesie for this costume! :-D
"If the Natty Boh Guy and the Utz Girl had a baby binky".  Binky, foam,
fabric, thread.  October 2015